Not a lot of things happened after our return to Kuala Lumpur, but somehow I still found myself with quite a backlog of photos to edit! I'll just have to slowly (surely) get around to them all. Unfortunately, the photos from the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest will have to wait.
This blog entry is image heavy because I got a little too shutter happy as one is bound to be when at a place like Sentosa's S.E.A. Aquarium.
I admit I haven't done anything very interesting in the past few days, but I did do a lot of walking and took some photos while I was at it, so I might as well post them.
Day 3 and 4 are mostly grocery errands, but I also got to walk around a bit further and take some more pictures!
How is it suddenly September? They say time flies when you're having fun, but I think that's also true even when you're not exactly having a blast. I just happened to have been too preoccupied with other things to sit down and edit pictures so I haven't been able to update right away.

As someone who gets too emotionally invested in fictional characters, I also enjoy doing the art thing and pretending to be good at writing amateur fiction. It is unfortunate that I don't get paid to write stuff on this blog but I sure wish I did.